Bolton United Church
A Place to Call Home
Please join us for our
Service on Sunday
at 10:00 am
Alternatively, you can join
remotely by Clicking Here
Get Involved
Sharing our faith together through various activities and programs, brings our faith to life. We welcome your interest in our activities and invite you to join us in any of these programs that would enrich your life and leverage your unique talents for the betterment of the world.
Music is an integral part of our services, and we are blessed with members whose talents include the organ, keyboard, guitar, drums, flute, fiddle/violin, tin whistle, and vocals.
Musical styles range from traditional hymns and anthems to the most modern contemporary Christian worship music. Drama and story-telling contribute as well.
If you would like to share your musical talents and join our choir or ensemble group, or provide a solo (even from time to time), please contact our Music Director, Andrew Dunn at or via the feedback form here.
An example of a song sang by a member of our church can be found here
Bolton United Church answers deep spiritual needs for renewed hope and healing through a balance of contemporary and traditional forms.
Sunday services are at 10:00 a.m. with a hymn sing commencing at 9:50 a.m.
The Sacrament of Communion is celebrated once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome to partake in the communion.
Some of the ways to get involved in our worship services include:
Scripture reading
Communion Prep/Serving
All of these ways to help can be set up according to your calendar and the frequency with which you would be able to help.
Should you wish to participate in the worship service please contact us at or call us at
905 857 2615 or let us know via our feedback form here.
Care Ministries
Our Care Ministries provide a warm connection to our members and friends through visits, calls, cards and gentle words of encouragement, care and empathy. If you would like to join the team that ensure all our members and friends continue to feel connected to God’s love and the church community, when they are facing the storms of illness, stress, loneliness or are unable to attend in person due to the weather or their own mobility, we would warmly welcome you to this group. Please let us know through the feedback form here or contact us at or 905 857 2615
Community Support
We provide support, in a multitude of ways, to the greater Bolton/Caledon community. We provide local financial support to the Bethel Hospice, the Women’s Shelter, The Exchange/the Caledon Food bank. Throughout the year we also provide many goods in kind, such as knitted mittens and food grown in our Community Garden, along King Street. Check back to this website from time to time to see what we are collecting, building, knitting or gathering and how you can help. If you would like to join our email list to know about a campaign as soon as it starts, please use our feedback form here and tell us in the message section that you would like to be on the email update list.
Bolton United Community Garden
In 2018, we grew over 100 lbs of fresh produce that was provided to the Caledon Food bank. Each spring we will add additional plots to the community garden. If you love to garden, would like to tend a personal plot or just want to support the garden and would like to make a donation of supplies or funding for supplies, please contact us before planting season at or use the feedback form here and let us know in the message section how you would like to help.
Mission and Service
We support the mission and service work undertaken by the wider United Church community, which provides emergency relief and ongoing developmental support to those communities and people in need across the country and around the globe.For information and updates on what the greater United Church programs, you can use this link to further information.
Spiritual Exploration
Group Discussions
Lifelong learning is an important part of the Christian journey. Bolton United holds various group meetings for Spiritual exploration and discussions often focused around a reading or set of readings. If you would like to know about the next Study Group, please use the feedback form here and let us know that you are interested in the next study group or if you are iinterested in a specific topic.
Individual Reading
If you would like some inspiration or further reading for your individual development, the list below provides some highly recommended reading. We do have some copies of these materials available at the church, which you can borrow from us. If you see a publication that you would like to borrow, please drop by the office (Mon to Thurs 9 am to noon) or let us know via the feedback form here which publication you are interested in and we will get back to you regarding the availability of a copy.
Recommended Readings for Spring
Your Sorrow is My Sorrow Hope and Strength in Times of Suffering by Joyce Rupp
With the exquisite prose and poetry that has always graced her writing, Joyce Rupp mines the multiple meanings of important images in the Bible, in order to get us through our own rough moments. Included are: the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, Jesus lost in the temple, Mary seeing Jesus carrying the cross, Mary at the foot of the cross, Mary receiving Jesus' dead body, and Jesus being laid in the tomb
Prayer Seeds: A Gathering of Blessings, Reflections ad Poems for Spiritual Growth by Joyce Rupp
In Prayer Seeds, Rupp follows up with about a hundred never-before-published prayers written since the publication of the first collection. The prayers are organized thematically. Named one of the 50 best spiritual books of 2017 by Spirituality & Practice.
Boundless Compassion By Joyce Rupp
Compassion was the center of Jesus' ministry and his mission for his disciples—and for us. Bestselling and award-winning author and retreat leader Joyce Rupp gives you the words to develop compassion in yourself as never before and to reenergize your ability to offer loving kindness to those around you.
Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor
Learning to Walk in the Dark provides a way to find spirituality in those times when we don’t have all the answers. With her characteristic charm and literary wisdom, Taylor is our guide through a spirituality of the nighttime, teaching us how to find our footing in times of uncertainty and giving us strength and hope to face all of life’s challenging moments.
Grounded: Finding God in the World-A Spiritual Revolution by Diana Butler Bass
Grounded explores this cultural turn as Bass unpacks how people are finding new spiritual ground by discovering and embracing God everywhere in the world around us—in the soil, the water, the sky, in our homes and neighborhoods, and in the global commons. Faith is no longer a matter of mountaintop experience or institutional practice; instead, people are connecting with God through the environment in which we live.
Grateful: The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks by Diana Butler Bass
Bass, author of the award-winning Grounded and ten other books on spirituality and culture, explores the transformative, subversive power of gratitude for our personal lives and in communities. Using her trademark blend of historical research, spiritual insights, and timely cultural observation, she shows how we can overcome this gap and make change in our own lives and in the world.
The Power of Love: Sermons, reflections, and wisdom to uplift and inspire By Bishop Michael Curry
Bishop Michael Curry delivered his sermon on the redemptive power of love at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle. Here, he shares the full text of the sermon, plus an introduction and four of his favorite sermons on the themes of love and social justice. The world has met Bishop Curry and has been moved by his riveting, hopeful, and deceptively simple message: love and acceptance are what we need in these strange times.
Crazy Christians by Bishop Michael Curry
Filled with inspiring sermons, this book takes a provocative look at what it really takes to make a difference. Bishop Curry encourages all of us to let go of conventions and embrace the craziness of believing we can change the world for the better.
Following the Way of Jesus by Bishop Michael Curry
Church's Teachings in a Changing World
Songs My Grandma Sang by Bishop Michael Curry
Out of that strong foundation, Bishop Curry shares the music of his childhood—the songs that have grown with him to shape an adult and vibrant faith
For most of our 140 years, the women of the United Church have gathered on a regular basis to share in specific charitable works, grow and learn together, attend various events and dinners together and generally share a close bond of friendship. Meetings take place on the second Tuesday of the month, usually at the church building. If you would like to join the group or find out more about what we do, please contact us at or use the feedback form here and let us know.
Bolton United holds various Community Events, to support the strengthening of the bonds of friendship in the community.
Soup and Sandwich Lunches/Coffee Hour
Once a month we hold a Soup and Sandwich lunch after the Sunday service. All are welcome. If you would like to know when the next Soup and Sandwich lunch is you can check on our Calendar of Events here. We also hold a coffee hour after most Sunday services. If you could contribute to the soup or sandwiches provided/coffee hour, or help set up, please contact us via email at or use our feedback form here to let us know how and when you can help.
"Let's Talk" Seminar Series
Our Seminar Series, called “Let’s Talk” is open to anyone in the community. It brings speakers who are specialists on current interesting topics to Bolton United Church. These sessions include a free dinner for all and provide an opportunity to become better informed and ask questions/have a discussion on topics of great current interest. Past sessions have addressed Youth Mental Health, Naturopathic Medicine and Alternative therapies, Invisible Handicaps and an LGBTQ2 discussion. They are usually held on a Friday night. Check our Calendar of Events Here for the date of our next “Let’s Talk” seminar. If you have ideas for additional topics that you would like to hear about you can suggest those topics to us through the online feedback form Here.
Fish Fry Dinner
Our Fish Fry Dinner is a very popular event in Bolton. We hold it in the spring, and have fresh fish from Lake Huron brought in and fried up on the spot. The meal also includes potatoes, vegetables, salads and a dessert. Take out is available. Please see our Calendar of Events here for the date of this year’s Dinner. If you are able to help preparing food, serving, or with set up/take down, please contact us via email at or let us know you are able to help via our feedback form here.
Ecumenical Events
Bolton United Church works collaboratively with all churches in the Bolton and Palgrave area to support common services or community events. We regularly share summer services with Palgrave United. We have worked with Holy Family Catholic to bring refugees to Canada, are currently participating with several other churches in Bolton by supporting another refugee group and shared services with Christchurch Anglican. You may find, on our Calendar of Events, that some events are jointly held and occurring at some of these other churches within a close distance of Bolton United.